Ben is a dedicated engineer who has been an integral part of KCW Engineering.
How does one go from mapping archeological surveys to working full-time for KCW Engineering?
Ben is a valued employee who holds an interesting story with our company. It did not take long for Ben to realize that his studies of archeology and love of maps translates well into the world of engineering. Since his start with KCW in 2013, Ben has worked on projects like the Route 4 Utility Relocation, State Highway Administration and PEPCO. “It felt great to be trusted and to do good work on important jobs,” Ben said, in reference to his biggest successes at KCW.
When asked for his office superlative, Ben said he is “most likely to show up randomly with donuts.” This is because, in 2015 Ben helped create a plan to work for the company remotely from Ithaca, NY. With an opportunity to move, the thought of leaving KCW was a difficult one. His nerve-wracking proposal to work remotely, with occasional visits to the office, paid off. KCW was happy to accommodate and help him grow as their employee. “I feel incredibly rewarded to have this work-life balance that lets me spend more time with my family,” Ben said. With his wife and new baby girl, the ability to work remotely has made all the difference.
When asked about the most rewarding part of his job, Ben brought the attention to his fellow employees. “When we get together to discuss a project, it’s like everyone is on a team and just knows what to do.” With memories of his first day where he learned AutoCAD from Patrick, CAD Operator at KCW, Ben knows the importance of learning new skills daily.
KCW is incredibly thankful to have such a dedicated, hard-working and positive employee on our team. Thank you for all that you do for our company and our clients.