After the New Year’s celebrations, most people create resolutions to follow for the new year. What resolutions will you set for your business?
You’ve likely heard the expression “a new year, a new you,” whether this is translated into health, organization, fitness or relationships, the new year can motivate and inspire.
This New Year’s motivation to make changes and accomplish goals can benefit your business. As a company, whether small or large, goals & milestones are keys to continued successes. Below are four ways that the “new year, new you” mentality can benefit your business!
If you have been waiting to brand your business, change your logo or create a new slogan, the start of the year is the perfect time. The new year is often viewed as a “refresh” button for many individuals, but for businesses, it can be seen as a “revamp” or “revitalize” button. You can bring a new perspective to your company’s aesthetic and target a new market of people while embarking on the beginning of 2017.
Long-Term Goals
If there are goals you’ve been placing on the back burner like applying for an award, reaching out to a potential partner or ordering company tumblers, the new year is great motivation to move these tasks to the top of your “To Do” list. You may be surprised how rewarding it feels to accomplish procrastinated goals and in turn, may make it a habit.
Office Décor
If you’ve been dreaming of an open layout, new cubicles and office greenery, but haven’t been able to make it happen, January is the time and place! Get your team together, hire a designer or draft up plans yourself. Start with the small changes you’ve wanted to make and work your way up to a full office redesign (if it’s in the 2017 budget, of course!)
New Hires & Hiring Outreach
Whether you are considering adding a new member to your team or are struggling to find a difficult hire, the new year is a great time to boost your hiring outreach. Many people will search for new jobs and put new companies on their radar — you never know if your company could be one of them. It could also be a good idea to update your hiring outreach platforms. Make sure your presence on recruitment platforms is consistent and appealing.
Take this time to make the new year your chance to take steps toward being the company you truly desire to be.